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Saturday, December 16th, 2006

Las Cruces Housing Market

For about a decade, Las Cruces has been an extremely attractive place to move to — housing costs were significantly below the national average and the climate and natural beauty made this area a wonderful place to live.

As a result, a lot of people have moved here.

And they have driven up housing prices enormously.

Here’s the Real Estate Industry data for the average selling price of a house in Las Cruces for the last 6 years:

2001 – $126,000
2002 – $134,000
2003 – $143,000
2004 – $168,000
2005 – $199,000
2006 – $216,000 (10 month average)

As you can see, the average cost of a house has increased by $90,000 since 2001.

This rapid run-up in prices has caused a lot of disquiet in long-term Crucens. The cost of living is going up, traffic is getting worse, and resource demand is growing exponentially.

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Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Las Cruces Real Estate

Las Cruces has seen huge growth in the last few years. The population of the city has increased 8.5% since 2000, to an estimated 83,000. There are an additional 40,000 to 50,000 people living in the surrounding valley, and a total of about 190,000 in the county (Doña Ana).

Real Estate and housing prices have doubled during that period. The local paper reports that the average closing price of a house in Las Cruces last month was $221,000. A year ago it was $176,000.

I think the growth of Las Cruces is just beginning. Las Cruces offers attractions and advantages that are no longer available in states such as Colorado, Arizona, and Nevada. I predict a huge influx of relatively wealthy people, most from the West Coast.

This is going to continue to change Las Cruces in unfortunate ways.

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Friday, September 29th, 2006

Welcome to Las Cruces

This is the only sign welcoming you to the Las Cruces. The design is almost constructivist. The Organ Mountains can be seen in the background.


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Saturday, September 9th, 2006

Gold and Black

Las Cruces sunset.

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Friday, September 8th, 2006

Las Cruces Skyscape

A beautiful Las Cruces evening sky, looking west.


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Sunday, August 27th, 2006

Las Cruces New Mexico

Welcome to Las Cruces Blog.

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